Sexual Health

Sterilisation (Vasectomy and Tubectomy)

‘Let’s not have babies for a long time!’

If that’s what you have decided then sterilization is the answer for you. It is a surgical procedure to prevent pregnancy. Sounds simple? It is! And it is available for both men and women.

Vasectomy is for males. Simply put, the tubes that carry the sperms are either cut off or blocked preventing sperm to leave and cause pregnancy. It’s super quick and very effective! There are 2 types, the incision method and the no-scalpel method. In short, incision requires a cut and the other doesn’t. Don’t worry, the doctor will give local anesthesia and medicines for you to relax. You won’t feel anything and the entire process takes about 20 minutes!

Vasectomy cuts the tube that contains the sperm and doesn’t let it mix with other fluids to make cum. So, your cum will not have sperms in it and won’t get anybody pregnant. In case you’re wondering what will happen to your cum… worry not, my friend! All is well! It will look and feel the same as before and so will the feeling of having an orgasm! It takes about 3 months for the cum to become sperm-free. Your doctor will check for sperms in your cum after a few months and once there are no sperms, the process is successful. You can consult your doctor or a local health clinic for the process and get it done. Another process, called RISUG, is an ‘injectable vasectomy’ which relies on a shot to make you infertile.

Vasectomies are reversible through surgeries that simply reconnect the tubes. And for RISUG, just get another shot and boom, effects reversed! They are very effective and highly convenient. 

Tubectomy is for females. 

Here, the tubes through which the egg moves are closed or blocked and since the egg can’t meet the sperm it doesn’t get fertilized and hence, no pregnancy. It’s also super quick and highly effective – more than 99%! There are 2 types, one requires a cut and the other doesn’t. You can consult your doctor or a local health clinic for the process and get it done. Your doctor will give you anesthesia and medicines to relax so the process will be comfortable.

In the procedure that involves a cut, a small cut is made near your belly and then through a surgical tool, the tubes are found. Once found, they are closed off by a second cut. Another way is by blocking the tubes using clips or by removing a short section. And, done! It takes about 30 minutes with little marks. The other process, which doesn’t require a cut, simply puts a coil in the opening of the tubes and that’s about it! The body grows tissues around the coil and after about 3 months blocks off the tubes completely. You can feel a little dizzy, tired, or have belly pain after the processes. If you have gotten a coil then you may have a vaginal discharge. But don’t worry… they last for a short time and you’ll recover in a couple of days. Just to be on the safe side, check if you’re having fever, rashes, continuous pain in the belly, or difficulty in breathing. Any of these symptoms pop up and you should visit your doctor ASAP. Just take it slow and easy for a couple of weeks and then you’ll be back to normal!

Tubectomies can also be reversed. The blocked segments of the tubes are reconnected to the remainder of the tubes. They’re effective, convenient, and do not affect your hormones. No trips to the pharmacy, no worries of unplanned pregnancy, no change in periods, and it won’t cause menopause! Just give you and your partner all the more reasons to get caught up in the heat of the moment! *wink*

Do remember that both these solutions do not protect you or your partner against STDs. So, stay protected by using a condom every time! Stay safe, play safe!