5 reasons why porn is a bad teacher!


Let’s be honest, my friend, we all have at some point of our lives taken cues from porn to ‘enhance’ our knowledge and never went back to fact-check. Be it the positions, the use of toys, the situations, or the loud ways to express reaching the climax, we all thought this is how it’s done and this is how I’ll do it.

Truth is, porn is a very (very) bad teacher and is not meant for sex-education. While you may enjoy watching it, here are 5 things to remember about porn and why it’s NOT your guide to safe sex and sexual reproductive health.


Porn doesn’t talk about safe sex…

Imagine the video starts with the actors talking about sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. They then proceed to wear a condom while discussing its importance. 

Does it look like a pornography video? It doesn’t, right? It makes it look like an educational video and not for pleasure. And that’s why they don’t show it. 


… because it’s solely for entertainment!

Entertainment! Entertainment! Entertainment!

There’s a reason why they say ‘sex sells’ because of the entertainment value it provides. From the loud moans to the unrealistically easy agreement to have sex are all part of the show. The porn stars perform as per the script and are surrounded by a crew complete with lighting, mic, and other technical equipment.

Don’t believe what you see in porn.


It lacks the emotional aspect of making love…

Make love, not porn.

In a relationship, an emotional connect is as crucial as a condom. This also means you and your partner are consensually getting into the act and are ready to deal with the aftermaths, if any. You don’t see that in porn, my friend! All they show are horny individuals ready to get down without caring about the consequences (because they are actors and it’s for, you guessed it right, entertainment!)


… and hence, you see things that aren’t going to happen in real life!

Yeah! While porn shows you the act to be super easy, the orgasms super intense, the agreement super quick, and the penis (super) big and erect, in reality, it’s not like that. Your act may be clumsy and your orgasms quieter and it’s ok.  You or your partner may not always agree and it’s ok. And your erection may not last that long and it’s ok!

Remember, porn shows everything in a dramatized way with multiple cuts and retakes and whatnot behind the camera.


Finally, porn shows only the sexual act and nothing else.

By now you must have figured out that porn only and only shows the sexual act. Nothing more. Nothing less. It doesn’t ever talk about Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) simply because it’s not meant to. So, if something isn’t talking about sexual health you can’t expect it to educate you on it. Period.

Remember one thing for sure, porn is solely for entertainment purposes. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry that thrives on providing exciting dopamine inducing pleasure and doesn’t care about imparting any education to its viewers.

So, whenever you or your partner need any information on sexual reproductive health, we are there for you. Visit our site mtvnishedhlive.com or call our toll free helpline number 1800-2580-001 and we promise we’ll keep it anonymous for you. 

Until next time!


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